
真的很难过,克罗地亚没有拿世界杯冠军是我整个2018最难过的事情没有之一,朋友都说我太执着的,可是我自己真的没有办法释怀,记得之前在Call me by your name上有一段话是

“I wondered how many people here still remembered the young men they’d lost on the Piave River. You’d have to be at least eighty years old today to have known them.And at least one hundred.if not more,to have been older than they were then.At one hundred,surely you learn to overcome loss and grief or do they hound you till the bitter end?”

“At one hundred years,siblings forget,sons forget,loved one forget,no one remembers anything,even the most devastated forget to remember,mothers and fathers have long since died.Does anyone remember?”


